About Rockytop Gardens



We planted our very first iris in 1962 and are still playing in the dirt!  Our participation in iris organizations has been an interesting journey. Many of our older friends are no longer active or have passed away and the memories of these dear souls and their massive gardens are incredible treasures! I am grateful that I am not a part of the modern “go and go and go” generation who never learned the joy of fighting weeds, grass and insects!

You are always welcome here and you will want to call ahead so that someone will be here to greet you and open the gate. This is being written in January and our best bloom, typically in mid-May, is totally dependent on weather conditions.   

For your convenience, we can process your order for you manually. You may print your own order blank using the special tab on the home page then list the varieties you want.  Send that order to us by (1) fax, scan and (2) email to us or (3) mail it to us via the postal service.  We will process your order, save your plants for you and contact you with a total amount for payment.  

Note that Tennessee residents must include .0975% sales tax.   

We schedule iris plant shipments to our customers in July and August.  Surprise packages will ship in September until surplus stock is depleted.

We answer our phone 6 days a week from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon daily.  I recommend emailing if you are seeking instant service as we monitor those communications very regularly.

We look forward to serving you!



rtgphil@gmail.com  OR phil@rockytopgardens.com